Trucking Companies and Big Insurance Policies

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High-Dollar Insurance Policies

Trucking insurance policies are generally about 50 times as valuable as a normal car insurance policy. This has to be the case since severe and enormous damage can be accomplished through even a momentary lack of concentration on the part of an 18-wheeler driver. However, this can complicate an 18-wheeler accident case since, with so much money at stake, the insurance carriers will employ ruthless tactics to avoid a large payout. Insurers exist to turn a profit, and this is often achieved by seeing to it that large insurance policy claims are denied, or, at the very least, severely lessened. More information here
This is quite the opposite from fender-bender insurance claims where the insurer is much more likely to fairly compensate you for sustained property damage since the costs are relatively low and the stakes aren’t so high. As such, having a trucking accident attorney on your side, with his twenty years of experience in litigating semi-truck accident cases, can prove to be a strong legal ally that will defend your rights so that you can receive full compensation despite an insurance company’s tactics.

Aggressive Insurance Adjusters and Ready to Respond Defense Attorneys

Commercial insurance policy adjusters are the most aggressive adjusters in the industry. This is not an entry level position; rather, these adjusters are promoted to work on commercial policies after years of proving that they are capable and efficient at seeing claims result in the smallest of payouts. Furthermore, the more money these adjusters save for their insurance company, the more money they likely stand to make. In other words, they have a vested interest in denying your claim and will work with their own best interests in mind, which, more often than not, relates to their own bottom line as well as that of their employer. By enlisting the help of a trucking accident attorney, you can be sure to have legal experience on your side that will work with your best interests in mind, even against the most aggressive of insurance adjusters. Because of our two decades of experience in dealing with these particular kinds of adjusters, we’re wise to their ways, so we can help prevent you from being taken advantage of by their tactics.Got Injured In An Accident – CALL SHAW

Commercial insurance providers that insure large trucks have a team of defense attorneys on contract and likely on speed-dial. As soon as a trucking accident occurs, these attorneys are dispatched to the accident scene to discover anything they can utilize in order to build a case against you. These attorneys will also likely have a vested financial interest in protecting the insurance carrier. They will likely prove to also be quite aggressive in their means to prove your liability in the accident. By shifting even a percentage of blame onto you, they could stand to save their clients quite a sizable sum. If they can somehow shift a majority of the liability onto you, the case could be dismissed, resulting in no compensation whatsoever for you. Ensure that you have a fighting chance against such an aggressive defense by contacting a trucking accident attorney in our firm. We will go toe-to-toe against these types of attorneys and will act just as aggressively, when necessary, in order to get you fair compensation.

The Unethical Practices of Some Truck Drivers or Self-Insured Trucking Companies
Most 18-wheeler drivers stake their entire livelihoods on their ability to earn a living by driving a truck. This results in a scenario where the truck driver is under a great deal of pressure to say whatever they have to in order to protect their job. As you can imagine, it’s not much of a stretch of the imagination to see how a truck driver may be inclined to give an inaccurate account of their own fault in the accident. Insurance companies welcome the opportunity to deny claims based on the statement from their own driver. However, our Law Office has many years of careful depositions and thorough investigations that have proven time and time again the truth, or falsehood, of a truck driver’s story.

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